Tag Archives: brain

10 healthy habits that boost intelligence and brainpower

Scientific research has shown that adopting certain habits can not only maintain but also boost our intelligence and brainpower. Here are ten habits you can add to your life to keep your brain in top shape.

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Is Your Memory Getting Worse? 8 Reasons That Can Happen, According to Doctors

Here are some of the things that could be causing your memory glitches—and bear in mind that there may be several things going on, even if one is dominant, says Dr Ronald Petersen, director of the Mayo clinic.

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A dietitian shares 6 snacks that’ll help you keep your brain sharp

Keep these brain food snacks in your cupboard if you want to feed your mind. Meanwhile, an unhealthy diet filled with heavily processed foods — foods with refined grains and excess added sugar or sodium — may speed up brain aging. Unfortunately, many common snacks — from pretzels to chips to bars — fall in this camp, so swapping your snack for healthier fare is one way to stay sharp as you age.

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